The Forces of Gravity –
Anytime you’re working with trees, and you’re climbing up the limbs trying to cut branches, the risk of falling is always present. Once the tree limb starts falling, gravity takes over and you will have very little control as to where it lands., gravity plays a significant role. It can either be an ally or a foe that poses a serious danger to property and individuals
The Danger of Power Lines–
In some cases, when a tree is planted in a less than ideal location such as near a lamp post or a power line, things can go bad very quickly.
There are safety procedures that tree experts follow when dealing with this kind of situation. And even with those safety protocols, working with a tree that’s near a power line is still quite dangerous. This is definitely not a job for amateurs
The Hazards of Decaying Wood –
For a layperson, it’s much harder to spot a tree that’s dying or already dead. A healthy tree can look dead when it’s merely going into hibernation. This is why a lot of homeowners often get surprised when a tree in their property suddenly collapses.
Advanced Decaying Wood -
When a tree is dying, the decay typically starts from the inside.
Sometimes there are no visible signs that tell you about the true condition of the tree, making the removal job that much more dangerous.